Welcome to this little nook of the Internet... this tiny corner of cyberspace. This is the Official Website of producer, marketing strategist & humorist Martin Lewis. The British-born Lewis has been based in America since 1982 and is thus truly RESIDENT Of The UNITED STATES!

"A true Renaissance Man who seems to have done just about
everything in the world of entertainment"
- L.A. Weekly


Beatles-Related Work

TV Appearances

His Work For
Human Rights

Reviews by
Media & Stars

Select Writings

Oodles of Fun!

This website presents news and information about Martin Lewis and his many current and future projects - including the archive of his columns written for the website of Time Magazine. It also provides links to other websites created and hosted by Martin Lewis.

Martin Lewis is blessed (or perhaps cursed!) with a very good memory - and is also a packrat of astounding proportions. So this website also presents an ever-expanding array of information, background notes, behind-the-scenes reminiscences, memorabilia, and rare visuals and audio on the full range of his past projects.

These projects include his extensive work in his early career as a producer of films, TV, stage-shows and albums - with Monty Python, Peter Cook, Billy Connolly and Rowan Atkinson (among many) - a unique apprenticeship which proved very beneficial when his life took an unexpected turn in 1990 - and he evolved into a comedic performer and writer in his own right.

So - from a time dating back to the earliest existence of primitive plasma on this planet - to the far-off frontiers of the future... from the quaint rustic hamlet of London's Cricklewood - to the flashy fevered fleshpots of America's Hollywood... from alpha-man to alfalfa sprouts-man... on this page you will find...

Everything You Wanted To Know About Martin Lewis
(But Were Too 'Oy-Vayed' To Ask)

Your gateway to the wonderfully wide world of MARTIN LEWIS - The World's Least-Reserved Englishman!
The Agent Provocateur website that presents all the current and past writings by Martin Lewis - including columns written for TIME.com and the Huffington Post.
All the columns written by Martin Lewis for TIME.com - the prestigious website of Time Magazine. Also his columns for other magazines and websites. If he wrote it - it's probably here!
Information about Martin Lewis' acclaimed, autobiographical one-man show GREAT EXPLOITATIONS! The show premiered in L.A. in 1999 - and received the accolade of being selected as the inaugural event at the new Steven Spielberg Theatre in Hollywood. The show was a critical success in the prestigious 9th Annual Toyota Comedy Festival in New York in June 2001
Martin Lewis' MODS & ROCKERS! Website. Originally created in conjunction with two notable Hollywood retrospectives (in 1999 and 2000) of 1960's movies. The film festivals were co-created, produced and hosted by Martin Lewis for the American Cinematheque. The website is maintained as a tribute to British pop culture of the 1960’s.
MBE! The Official Brian Epstein Website. This website is Martin Lewis' tribute to the Beatles' enigmatic manager - who died of accidental causes in 1967 after guiding the group to mega-stardom. This site is also the hub of Martin Lewis’ campaign to foster increased public appreciation of this important but comparatively neglected hero of the Beatles story.
The true story of The Great Beatles Songs Hoax! - Martin Lewis’ 1971 throwaway teenage prank - which by 1999 had independently mushroomed into what the New York Post described as "the biggest Beatles hoax since the 'Paul is dead' craze."
The Springtime! Website - Springtime! is the production-management-marketing company founded and owned by Martin Lewis. The website features details of the company's many distinctive publicity and marketing campaigns for entertainment projects and social & political causes from the early 1970's through to the present day. Campaigns in recent years include the US launch of the Beatles' "Anthology" albums in 1995-1996 and the US reissue of the Beatles' movie "A Hard Day's Night" in 2000-2001.

This website is very much like the universe. It is continually expanding. So bookmark this page - then surf and enjoy. And come back soon! Remember - as long as you're just cyber-bating - you won't go blind...

Website concepts and content by
Website design and creation by Adam Forrest

Copyright © 1997-2025 Springtime!